Opportunity on Sundays
Attending our Growth Track will help you find a place to serve and belong.
Welcome team
You would have been welcomed at the door by one of our friendly team members who are there to help you during the church service with any seating enquiries or information you may require.
Hospitality team
This team serves in the kitchen to help everyone feel connected and welcome with food and drinks.
Music team
This team leads us all in praise and worship to God during our church service. The team meets Thursday nights for practice.
Audio visual
This role assists the worship team, speaker and it prepares videos and powerpoint presentations.
Growth Track
This is a corse that helps explain who we are and what we bekeive as a church and how to get the best form the church and add value to it. It runs at 12pm- 1pm with light snacks available.
Pumped (10 - 12 year old)
This programme seeks to answer the questions about faith for they age as they start to wonder about God and christainity in their world. A fun, visional and active interaction programme will to help the kids love God, church and their friends.
Powerzone (5-10 year olds)
This is a fun, fast paced, interesting programme that captures the children’s attention and teaches Biblical lessons with lots of colour and interaction. Every Sunday morning within the service, the children meet their leaders in the Powerzone room.
Sparkz (2-4 year olds)
This programme runs within our service on a Sunday morning and offers parents the chance to enjoy the church service while their children enjoy the activities available.
Little Dotz (0-2 year olds)
A room is available for parents with babies and children up to two years of age. You are welcome to enjoy the service in comfort via the room's TV. This room is on the left coming into the Auditorium.
Mid Week
Life Groups
All our Life Groups meet mid week and are a great place to help out and serve. Including prayer groups and bible studies and craft style groups.
Amped Youth Group
This is a highschool age proagramme full of fun, activities, games, frinedship and faith. Friday Nights at 7:30 -9pm throughout the term, doesnt run on the last week of term.
Monday Music and More
This is a community music and movement programme for Parent and child (aged 0-3Yrs) with morning tea to follow, held in te church building.
Mondays 10-11am - throughout the term.
The Gathering meal
This a free community meal for anyone who is looking for connection and a friend chat over a yummy meal. 6-7am every last Tuesday of the month in the church building. If anyone wants to help with food preparation please arrive at 5pm.
Cleaning Team
There is a roster for those who are will to serve by cleaning the church and preparing it for Sunday worship.