This 4-week series introduces you to Oamaru Elim Church, our history, What we believe, how and why we do church the way we do, and our vision for the future. We also share with you the essentials of the Christian life for success living and help you discover your passions, gifts and personality profile so that you can be most effective in fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.
For our next course please inquiry by clicking the link above or by filling in a Contact Card in the church foyer.
Intro to Elim 101
Essentials 201
Discovery 301
Dream Team 401
Complete: Intro to Elim 101' Course which will explain the church's direction, mission and vision. It will help you understand why the church does what it does and answer your questions.
Complete: Essentials 201' which will help you build personal biblical habits that are the foundational truths of a lasting life of faith.
Complete: Discovery 301' which will help you discover how God designed you and the gifts He has given you personally to fulfil his call on your life so you can find purpose in life through helping and serving others.
Complete: Dream Team 401' which will help you discover what your next step, is it to help somewhere by joining a team or to be apart of a life group or course?